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Unlock Pang Tong
To unlock you must defeat Pang Tong Cheng Du in any fashion. But, you should still Pang Tong alive all the time. The easiest way to do that is to be Liu Bei. That way, you only have to protect Pang Tong and do not have to worry about dying Liu Bei and therefore end the level.
Opening Edit option (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press R1, Square, L1, Square, Triangle, L2, Triangle
All generals Wei (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2, L1, L2
All the movie (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, L2, Square, R2, Square
Starting level on Red Hare
The Red Hare is the horse Lu Bu. This is the best horse in the game. At the level of Hu Lao Gate, kill Lu Bu (Ignore Yuan Shao tell you not to fight him). After you kill Lu Bu, a message will tell you that the supply depot has emerged. Go north to the spot and kill the supply captain. He will give you a special item when he died. If you equip this item, you will begin to level in the Red Hare.
Free mode all levels (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1
A good way to get a 3rd weapon
3 guns each character really well. If you play Musou mode and need to get powerful weapons your character to do this. Wait until you get to around level 4 in Musou mode, then go to free mode and do Nanman Campaign. Defeat the officer as you can and in the end you will probably get your 3rd weapon.
BGM Test Option (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, L1, R1, R2, L2
Where to Find and Up the Elephant
The quickest way to obtain, mountains, and riding elephants in Dynasty Warriors 3 is started by choosing Sun Shang Xiang. In the Nanman Campaign, the fifth in his game, using bows and arrows to kill the enemy elephant ride, then walked to the side, like you would a horse, and press X. You should then be able to go up.
All general Wu (Japanese version)
From the title screen, press Triangle, L1, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, L2
Unlock Lu Bu
Lu Bu is one of the best fighters in the game. To unlock him, you have to go to Hu Lao Gate (sorry if I spelled it right). At that rate, you must get 1,000 KOs and kill Lu Bu. To get this done, make sure that you do not kill the gate captain or enemy generals. That will make it easier.
Guan Yu 4th weapon
-Must be on hard
-Must escape stage Guan Yu
4th kill the commander-gate (Xu Huang) and the supply team came north to south
-WARNING: Must complete the stage and kill the commander in chief! If you do not complete the stage, you will not get anything!
Lu Bu's fourth weapon
In the battle of hu lao gate kill Liu bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in diffuculty hard.
How to beat lu bu
Keep your musou chargin up and use it on him
Nu wa four arms
In the battle of wan castle (not cao caos other forces) kill dian wei

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
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