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Pyramid Of Argus Music unlocked
How to unlock: If you want to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus music, in the "?" box inside the Krypt, press;
Down, Left, R1, L1, Up, L2
Lin Kuei Palace music
How to unlock: If you want to open the Lin Kuei Palace music, the "?" box inside the Krypt, press;
L2, Left, Circle, X, R2, Right
Funny Comments
Location: Over Hell Pit fatality, hold the key listed.
If you want to hear Dan Forden say "Crispy!", Hold both HP buttons.
If you want to hear Shao Kahn say "Crispy!", Then hold both buttons Run.
Gameplay movie
If you want to open the motor gameplay movies'? " box inside the Krypt, you can press:
Triangle, Up, R1, L2, R2, R1
Tekunin music Warship
If you want to open Tekunin Warship music on the "?" box inside the Krypt, you can press:
Up, Circle, L2, R2 (2x), X
Armory music
If you want to unlock the Armory music "?" box inside the Krypt, press;
X, Square, Left, Triangle, Square, X.
Red Dawn
If you want to open the arena Red Dawn "?" box inside the Krypt, press;
Circle, L1, Up, Square, Circle, Down.
Cyrax Blooper death movie
If you want to open the Cyrax fatality blooper movie in the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
Right, L1, R2, Down, Up, L1
Edenian Ruins arena
Description: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia. Once this is up the path until you see all of the chests. To open arena Edenian ruins, look into the second on the left chest.
General Reiko Map Room arena
How to unlock: If you want to open the arena General Reiko's Map Room on the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R1, Triangle, R2, Up, X (2x)
Kick of death
Top (2x), Triangle, Down (2x), Triangle, Forward (2x), Square, Down (2x), Square, Away (2x), Square, Away (2x), Square, Down, Left, Square, Forward ( 2x), Square, Forward (2x), Square, Up (2x), Square, Up (2x), Square, Up (2x), Circle.
to carry out the death of 11-Blows Ultimate Kombo. Alternatively, switching from Above (2x), Triangle and Down (2), Triangle with the desired Triangle attack. Switch from Above (2x), Circle with the desired finisher.
If you want to make the death of a 10-hit combo, press:
Forward (2x), Triangle, Forward (2x), Square, Up (2x), Triangle, Up (2x), X, Up (2x), X, Up (2x), Square, Away (2x), Square, Away (2x), Square, Down, Away, Square, Forward (2x), Square, Down, Away, Square, Forward (2x), Circle.
Press; Down (2x), X, Up (2x), Triangle, Toward (2x), Triangle, Down (2x), Triangle, Away (2x), Triangle, Up (2x), Square, Down (2x) box, Far (2x), Square, Toward (2x), Square, then either Up (2x) or Down (2x) or Away (2x) or Toward (2x), then Circle.
You must do this very quickly. If done correctly, you will perform a 10-hit Extreme fatality.
This sector Pulse art knives
If you want to open this sector Pulse Blade concept art at the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R2, L1, Left, X, Up, R1
Firewall arena concept art
If you want to unlock Firewall arena concept art at the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
UP, SQUARE, R1, L2, Circle, L1
Special Prison Fatality
When you are in the arena Prison, you will see the sector closed the door. Once you see the "Finish Him" doing blow. Make sure you are in the middle of the arena under the fan. This will knock him to the fans and he will get his guts splattered everywhere.
Nitara's alternate outfit
How to unlock: At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
Down, L1, Up, L1 (2x), Right to unlock Nitara's alternate costume.
Unused Konquest Trap concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Circle, R1, Triangle, Down, Circle, Left to unlock Konquest Trap concept art that is not used.
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Square (2x), Circle (2x), Up to unlock Meat. Alternately, collect 10 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Mileena's car design concept art
How to unlock: At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R2, Right, Up, R1, Triangle, Up to unlock Mileena's car design concept art.
Blaze concept art
How to unlock: At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
L1, Triangle, L2 (2x), R1, Square to unlock Blaze concept art.
Pyramid concept art for Flow
How to unlock: At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
Triangle, Left (2x), X, Down, Circle to unlock Pyramid concept art.
How to unlock: At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R2, L2, Triangle, Down (2x), Square to unlock Daegon.
As an alternative to collect 30 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Scorpions Lair arena
How to: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia. Further up the path until you see all of the chests. To unlock the Scorpion's Lair arena just look into the third on the right chest.
Description: This is a list of moving death. Death by [Boss] indicate moves that are "Boss characters" can do: Kintaro, Shao Kahn, Sheeva, Goro, Moloch, Onaga and Motaro. Death with [Sword] indicate that measures only characters with swords can perform.
Behind the knee
Away (2x), Circle (head rip)
[Boss] Away (2x), Circle (head rip)
Knee rear chain
Away (2x), Square (two uses)
[Boss] Toward (2x), Square (kick, two uses)
Toward (2x), Circle (spine rip)
[Sword] Toward (2x), Circle (face stab)
[Boss] Up (2x), Circle (head pop)
[Boss] Up, Down, Circle (exploding torso)
Facing down transition
Down, Away, Triangle (end position: forward)
Down, Away, Square (end position, knees)
Up, Down, Up, Square (pull out sword)
[Boss] Down, Up, Triangle (end position, knees)
Facing down the chain
Away (2), Square (knee drop, one use)
Up (2), Square (back stomp, two uses)
Toward (2), Square (punch, one use)
[Boss] Toward (2), Square (head punch, one use)
Toward (2), Circle (head stomp 1)
Away (2), Circle (head stomp 2)
[Sword] Up (2), Circle (decapitate)
[Sword] Away (2), Circle (head stab)
[Boss] Down (2), Circle (head punch)
[Boss] Away, Down, Circle (arms off)
Dealing with transition
Down, Away, Square (end position: behind)
Down, Toward, Triangle (end position: knees behind)
Up, Down, Up, Square (pull out sword)
[Boss] Down, Away, Triangle (end position behind)
[Boss] Down, Toward, Triangle (end position knees behind)
Facing up the chain
Toward (2), Triangle (punch, one use)
Towards, Down, Square (knee, using 2)
Frost's alternate costume / outfit
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
Down, R2, R1, L1, Circle, L2 to unlock Frost's alternate costume.
Interior Nethership arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R2, Left (2), Down, L1, Square to unlock Nethership Interior arena.
Pyramid Of Argus arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
R2, L2, Square, X, R1, Up to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus arena.
Alternatively, collect 40 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Ed Boon concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
L1, Left, Up, Circle, R2, L1 to unlock Ed Boon concept art.
Shinnok's Spire arena
If you want to unlock Shinnok's Spire arena at the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Left (2), Circle, Up, Triangle, L2.
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon promo movie
If you want to unlock Mortal Kombat: "?" Armageddon promo movie at the box inside the Krypt, press Up (2), Down, Up, L1, X.
Early Taven
If you want to unlock Taven concept art early on "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, X, R2, Down, L2, X.
Shang Tsung's alternate costume / outfit
If you want to unlock Shang Tsung's alternate costume / outfit on the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
L2, Left, Up, Circle, Up, L1
Falling Cliffs
If you want to open the Falling Cliffs arena at the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle.
This Drahmin alternate costume / outfit
If you want to unlock alternate costumes Drahmin s / clothes on "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
L1, Right, X, R1, Up (2)
Music Argus unlock
If you want to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus music, in the "?" box inside the Krypt, press
Down, Left, R1, L1, Up, L2
up, square, square, circle, circle, up
Red Bottom
Dawn Arena;
circle, L1, up, square, circle
L1, R1, triangle, down, down, square
triangle, square, left, L1, left, circle
Taven L2, Left, R1, Up, Circle, Down
If you want to open the Blaze on the "?" box inside the Krypt, press:
Triangle, Square, Left, L1, Left, Circle
Alternately, collect 50 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Special Fatality in Bell Tower
Method: In the lower level of the Bell Tower arena, when the "Finish Him" appears perform a punch. Never door bell. He will fall through the floor spikes and slide down. The next four sharp blades on the bottom of the spike will cut off the hands and feet. Then the rat will come and take away.
Random character select
You need to press Up + Start on the "Select Your Fighter".
Rip arms off during fatality
To do this, quickly press Away, Forward, Triangle at death.
Blaze 2
Description: Choose NightWolf. Once the battle starts, press L1 to change your Tomahawk. Press Forward (2), Circle to do a Rhino Charge, then as fast as you can press Square, Triangle, X, Circle to take that away from health. Keep doing this until Blaze has been defeated
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon hints and cheats (ps2)
# Falling Cliffs arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle to unlock the Falling Cliffs arena.
# General Reiko Map Room arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R1, Triangle, R2, Up, X (2) to open the arena Map Room General Reiko.
# Arena Nethership Interior
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Left (2), Down, L1, Square to unlock Nethership Interior arena.
# Pyramid Of Argus arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, L2, Square, X, R1, Up to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus arena. Alternately, collect 40 Relic items in Konquest mode.
# Red Dawn arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Circle, L1, Up, Square, Circle, Down to unlock the Red Dawn arena.
# Shinnok's Spire arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Left (2), Circle, Up, Triangle, L2 to unlock Shinnok's Spire arena.
Play as Blaze
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Triangle, Square, Left, L1, Left, Circle to unlock Blaze. Alternately, collect 50 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Play as Daegon
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, L2, Triangle, Down (2), Square to unlock Daegon. Alternately, collect 30 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Play as Meat
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Square (2), Circle (2), Up to unlock Meat. Alternately, collect 10 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Play as Taven
At the "?" box inside the circle, Krypt press L2, Left, R1, Up,, Down to unlock Taven. Alternately, successfully complete Konquest mode.
# Drahmin's alternate costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Right, X, R1, Up (2) to unlock alternate costumes Drahmin it.
# Frost's alternate costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Bottom, R2, R1, L1, Circle, L2 to unlock Frost's alternate costume.
# Nitara's alternate costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Down, L1, Up, L1 (2), Right to unlock Nitara's alternate costume.
# Shang Tsung's alternate costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L2, Left, Up, Circle, Up, L1 to unlock Shang Tsung's alternate costume.
# Cyrax fatality blooper movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Right, L1, R2, Down, Up, L1 to unlock the Cyrax fatality blooper movie.
# Mortal Kombat: Armageddon promo movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up (2), Down, Up, L1, X to unlock the Mortal Kombat: Armageddon promo movie.
# Motor gameplay movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Triangle, Up, R1, L2, R2, R1 to unlock the Motor gameplay movie.
# Armory music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press X, Square, Left, Triangle, Square, X to unlock the Armory music.
# Lin Kuei Palace music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L2, Left, Circle, X, R2, Right to unlock the Lin Kuei Palace music.
# Pyramid Of Argus music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Down, Left, R1, L1, Up, L2 to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus music.
# Tekunin music Warship
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Circle, L2, R2 (2), X to unlock Tekunin Warship music.
# Blaze concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Triangle, L2 (2), R1, Square to unlock Blaze concept art.
# Early Taven concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, X, R2, Down, L2, X to unlock Taven concept art early.
# Ed Boon concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Left, Up, Circle, R2, L1 to unlock Ed Boon concept art.
# Firewall arena concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Square, R1, L2, Circle, L1 to unlock Firewall arena concept art.
# Mileena's car design concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Right, Up, R1, Triangle, Up to unlock Mileena's car design concept art.
# Pyramid Of Flow concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Triangle, Left (2), X, Down, Circle to unlock Pyramid concept art.
# This sector Pulse blade concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, L1, Left, X, Up, R1 to unlock the sector's Pulse Blade concept art.
# Unused Konquest Trap concept art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Circle, R1, Triangle, Down, Circle, Left to unlock Konquest Trap concept art that is not used.
# Artika arena
Successfully complete all seven trials in Arctic Obliesk to open the Arctic arena.
# The Krypt arena
Collect all 60 Relic items in Konquest mode to unlock Arena Krypt.
# Edenian Ruins arena
Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until all the chests appear. Looking into the second chest on the left to open the arena Edenian ruins.
# Scorpion's Lair arena
Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until all the chests appear. Looking into the third chest on the right to unlock the Scorpion's Lair arena.
# 20,000 Koins
Collect 20 Relic items in Konquest mode to get 20,000 extra Koins.
Defeating Blaze
Play as NightWolf. When the battle starts, press L1 to switch to your Tomahawk. Quickly press Forward (2), Circle to do a Rhino Charge, then quickly press Square, Triangle, X, Circle to do a combo that takes a large amount of health. Keep repeating this until Blaze has been defeated.
# Taven's armor
Successfully complete the indicated task in Konquest mode to get the corresponding armor for Taven:
Chestplate: Defeat Sub-Zero in the Lin Kuei Palace.
Gloves: Found in the Netherrealm in the area when you jump down after the fiery meteor falls from the sky.
# Super Moves
Successfully complete the indicated task in Konquest mode to unlock the Super Move related:
Escape: Defeat Frost in the Lin Kuei Palace.
Fire Ball: Reach the fourth area Tekunin Warship.
Ground Pound: Defeat Jarek in the first training Obelisk.
Time Stop: Enter the Red Dragon Caverns and move forward until the fork. Follow the right path into the green light from the sky.
# Kreate-A-Kharacter item
Successfully complete the indicated task in Konquest mode, then open the golden chest that appears to unlock the corresponding item for created characters:
Elder Gods Female Armor - Belt: Behind the previously locked gate in Arctika after the second Obelisk after defeating the Tengu Ninjas.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Boots: After the Shadow Stalkers, break the cracked wall to the left then go to the right niche.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Cape: Look in the area after you find and defeat Sonya.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Glove: Get to the flaming sword area of Shinnok Spire, then turn and go to the left.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Helmet: Defeat the Shao Khan Colossus, then enter the second room on the right.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Legs: In the cave that opens after you defeat the undead of the Netherrealm after getting your gloves.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Shoulders: Reach the cell area of Shao Kahn's Dungeon and hit the Ground Pound icon. The chest is in the first cell on the left.
Elder Gods Female Armor - Torso: Follow the right path of the fork in the Red Dragon Caverns.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Belt: To the right after you open the first door on Tekunin Warship.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Boots: After the Shadow Stalkers, break the second cracked wall on the right. Go to the end and look in the left alcove.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Cape: Defeat the Shao Khan Colossus, then enter the second room on the left.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Glove: After the second fallen log and to the right in Botan Jungle.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Helmet: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until you find a chest of gold.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Legs: Found in the upper left corner of the second area of Shinnok's Spire.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Shoulders: Stand in the middle of the room after freeing Shujinko. Then, shoot a fireball at the nearby torch.
Elder Gods Male Armor - Torso: Defeat the Tengu Leader then go forward and broke down the wall color on the right in the blade trap area.
# Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the indicated task in Konquest mode, then open the hidden chest that appears to get the alternate costume for the corresponding character:
Ashrah: Defeat the Ice Beast in Arctika.
Baraka: Kill all the enemies in the final room of the Battleship Tekunin.
Bo Rai Cho: Defeat the Wraiths of Shinnok's Spire.
Cyrax: Kill all the enemies in the third room Tekunin Warship.
Dairou: Open the chest at the end of the second ice hallway at the beginning of the Lin Kuei Temple entrance.
Darrius: Open the chest behind the discolored wall at the start of the Lin Kuei Temple, where you are attacked by Lin Kuei Archers.
Drahmin: In the Netherrealm after you defeat Drahmin, shoot down the bat creature over the nearby cliff.
Ermac: Open the chest by the left wall in the room where you are attacked by the Red Army for the second time.
Frost: Break all the tombs lining the wall in the room where you meet Frost.
Fujin: Defeat all the Red Army at the beginning of Dragon Mountain forfeited.
Goro: Open the hidden chest to the left of the first area in Shao Khan's Fortress (directly to the right of a musical note).
Havik: Defeat all the demons in the second area of Shinnok's Spire.
Hotaru: Open the chest close to the wall in the second room Tekunin Warship.
Hsu Hao: Open the chest on the right after you wake up in the Tekunin Warship.
Jade: Defeat all of the Lin Kuei at the beginning of the Lin Kuei Palace.
Jarek: Open the right chest in the room where you fight with the Ice Scepter.
Jax: Once you enter Arctika, turn around and go left to find a hidden chest.
Johnny Cage: Defeat the Tengu Guards at the beginning Arctika.
Kai: Open the chest behind a breakable discolored wall to the right as you enter the third area of Lin Kuei Temple Entrance in Arctika.
Kano: Open the chest to the left as you enter the last room of the Temple of Argus.
Kenshi: Defeat all of the Tengu Ninjas with the given sword in Arctika.
Kira: Step on the second giant spider in Botan Jungle.
Kitana: Perform a Fatality on Wi Lae, leader of the Tengu Ninjas.
Kobra: Open the chest behind the first monolith in the Botan Jungle.
Kung Lao: Open the chest to the right after you enter the Temple of Argus.
Li Mei: Walk around the edge of space in the second area of Shinnok Spire until you find the hidden chest.
Liu Kang: Turn around and run forward as you enter Shao Kahn's Fortress to find the hidden chest.
Mavado: Open the hidden chest on the left side of the room where you do battle after getting this Supermove: Time Stop.
Mileena: Defeat Mileena, then hit the Ground Pound icon in front of you.
Motaro: After the third training Obelisk when you must gather crystals, go to the left side of this area to find a chest.
NightWolf: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until all the chests appear. Open the first chest on the right.
Nitara: Defeat the Undead Revenants for the first time in the Netherrealm, then jump down the left most cliff.
Noob Saibot: Defeat all of the Shadow Ninjas the first time encountered then open the chest in the Lin Kuei Palace.
Quan Chi: Step on the rat in the tunnel after you travel through Door A1 in the Red Dragon Caverns.
Raiden: Defeat the Shao Khan Colossus, then enter the first room on the left.
Rain: Open the chest at the end Arctika area where you are attacked by Red Dragon Spies before you meet Rain.
Reiko: As you enter the first area with blades in Shao Khan's Fortress, move one space to the left.
Reptile: Defeat the Hybrid Dragons in the Red Dragon Caverns.
Sareena: Defeat Kai, Serenna, and Jatakka.
Shang Tsung: At the beginning of Shao Khan's Fortress, hit the Ground Pound icon which is located on the right and on the road.
Shao Kahn: Defeat the Shao Khan's Statue.
Shinnok: Go to the left side most of the area in the Netherrealm with the falling rocks.
Shujinko: Hit the Ground Pound icon in one of the cells after defeating The Executioner in Shao Khan's Dungeon.
Sindel: Complete the third training Obelisk.
Smoke: Smoke Defeat.
Sonya: Open the chest to the left of the gate in the area after defeating Sonya.
Stryker: Break the wall to the right of the hallway after the Shadow Stalkers and go to the end and look at the left aclove.
Sub-Zero: Open the chest to the right of the statue mother after fighting with Sub-Zero.
Tanya: Reach the cell area in Shao Khan's Dungeon, then hit the Ground Pound icon. Back to the third cell on the right to find a chest.
Taven: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until all the chests appear. Open the third chest on the left.
# Music
Collect the indicated musical note in Konquest mode to unlock the corresponding music:
Arctika: Enter the second area of the Lin Kuei Temple Entrance and destroy the discolored wall to the right. Open the chest to find the note.
Bo'Rai Cho's Brewery: Found after the bridge and in the cave to the right in Botan Jungle.
Botan Jungle Track: Found just before the second fallen log in Botan Jungle.
Goro's Lair Fight: Found in Shujinko cell when he is released.
Hell Fight: Found in Shao Khan's Dungeon, after reaching the cell area. Press the Ground Pound icon and look in the second cell on the right.
Konquest Final Battle: Found in Shao Khan's Fortress. When running to the first area with the blades, move to the right to find the musical note in the next room.
Lin Kuei Palace: Found in Lin Kuei Palace directly to your left after you punch down the Ice Door.
Lin Kuei Raceway: Found near the entrance in the final area Arctika after you defeat all of the Lin Kuei Warriors and Archers.
Wood Factory Fight: Found after the second crusher when you return to Arctika after the second Obelisk.
Meteor Storm Fight: Found after you defeat the Undead Revenants for the first time in the Netherrealm by jumping down the cliff at the left.
Outworld Refinery: Found behind you after you fight Drahmin in the Netherrealm.
Outworld Spire Fight: Found on the right side of the first room as you enter Shinnok's Spire.
Pyramid Of Argus: Defeat the Giant Skulls in Edenia, then go up the path until you see a golden chest. Note the music is right next to it.
Reptile's Lair Fight: Found in the hallway just before the final room of the Red Dragon Caverns, behind a group of three blue barrels.
Soul Chamber Fight: Reach the flaming sword area of Shinnok Spire then turn around.
Subway Fight: Defeat Sonya Blade in Arctika.
Tekunin Prison Fight: Found in Shao Khan's Fortress. Open the main door and enter the second area, then go to the upper left side.
# Combo death
Press Up (2), Triangle, Down (2), Triangle, Forward (2), Square, Down (2), Square, Away (2), Square, Away (2), Square, Down, Left, Square, Forward (2), Square, Forward (2), Square, Up (2), Square, Up (2), Square, Up (2), Circle to do a death of a 11-hit Ultimate Kombo. Alternately, switch out Up (2), Triangle and Down (2), Triangle with the desired Triangle attack. Switch out Up (2), Circle with the desired finisher.
Press Forward (2), Triangle, Forward (2), Square, Up (2), Triangle, Up (2), X, Up (2), X, Up (2), Square, Away (2), Square, Away (2), Square, Down, Away, Square, Forward (2), Square, Down, Away, Square, Forward (2), Circle to do a 10-hit combo death.
Press Down (2), X, Up (2), Triangle, Toward (2), Triangle, Down (2), Triangle, Away (2), Triangle, Up (2), Square, Down (2) Square, Away (2), Square, Toward (2), Square, then either Up (2) or Down (2) or Away (2) or Toward (2), then Circle. You must do this very quickly. If done correctly, you will execute the death of a 10-hit Extreme.
# Rip arms off during fatality
During death, quickly press Away, Forward, Triangle.
# Special Fatality in Bell Tower
At the lower level of the Bell Tower arena, wait until "Finish Him" appears, then perform a punch. Make sure you are not near the bell. Opponent will fall through the floor into a spike, slide down, then have his arms and legs get cut off by four sharp blades on the bottom of the spike. Then the rat will appear and steal a leg.
away; far
forward; advanced
up; up
down; under
triengale; triangle
square; box.

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